- This event has passed.
2021 Pat’s Pedaling Pack 100k Bike Ride
September 17, 2021
Thank you to everyone who made the 2021 Pat’s Pedaling Pack 100K Bike Ride and Golf Outing a tremendous success. Thanks to our riders and our numerous volunteers, ride sponsors, and golf sponsors. See below for a list of our wonderful sponsors. Everyone enjoyed what we believe was our best event ever and together we raised an incredible $240,000! This was a tremendous result!
These funds are very important to the mission of Pat Mac’s Pack as we continue to fund critical brain tumor research and provide assistance directly to the families of young children who are battling cancer. The need right now is greater than ever due to the effects that the coronavirus has had on many families who have a child with cancer. These families have been experiencing extraordinary financial challenges, which unfortunately often occur when you have a child facing such a serious illness. Some of the issues include loss of employment due to Covid or having to leave a job to provide around the clock care for a child patient, the inability to pay rent, mortgage, utilities, or cover rising medical bills and travel costs to and from the hospital.
Recently, Pat Mac’s Pack has reached out and made direct donations to several families. Please take a moment to read some of their stories to better understand Why We Ride:
VC – a boy age15 has Osteosarcoma and Li Fraumeni syndrome. The syndrome is also present in the mother impacting her ability to work since 2020. Donations are helping support household rent, expenses and special classes for VC.
BN – a boy age 7 has Medulloblastoma brain cancer. Mom has had to leave work to care for him and his 3 other siblings. With loss of income, medical bills have been mounting. Donations will help with bills, child care and a tutor for BN who is missing long periods of school.
AA – a young boyl only 27 months old and diagnosed with high risk AML requiring multiple inpatient chemo treatments and is scheduled for a stem cell transplant. Both parents have had to take unpaid leave from their jobs to take care of AA and his sister. The family has needed much assistance and our donation addressed funds for groceries, utilities, and overdue rent.
KW age 14 has Osteosarcoma and he will need an amputation. He lost her father to COVID-19 and his mother was intubated for over a week in the hospital due to COVID and is in recovery. Due to her medical condition, the sudden loss of her husband, and the need to take care of KW, mother has been unable to work. Donations are providing financial assistance to help with multiple bills and are helping the family cope with the difficult road ahead.
The money raised through ride donations and ride sponsors have made a direct and meaningful difference for these and many other families.
In addition, Pat Mac’s Pack is continuing its strong support of the brain tumor program at Lurie Children’s Hospital. In November 2021, we donated $250,000 to Lurie Children’s Hospital toward important research into finding better treatments and eventually a cure for pediatric brain tumors.
We look forward to you joining us as we continue our mission with our 9th annual Pat’s Pedaling Pack 100K Ride that will take place on Friday June 24th, 2022
2021 Pat’s Pedaling Pack Sponsors:
Champion Sponsor – $10,000 or more
Ted and Katy Ahern
Presenting Sponsors – $1000 or more
Buona Beef and Rainbow Cone
Beverly Bike & Ski – Paul Weise
Cornelia & Michael Bessie Foundation
Elizabeth M. Rochford for Supreme Court 2022
Fitzgerald Real Estate – Rich & Mary Ellen Fitzgerald
Private Vista, LLC – Mike and Kathleen McCabe
Amish Custom Kitchens – Steve & Maureen Bailey
The Dan & Meg Hack Family
In Memory of Cameron Fahey
O’Donnell Construction – Pat & Eileen O’Donnell
Mike & Terri Bordes Family
Bart & Mary Ellen Clifford Family
Dan & Laura O’Neill Family
Tim & Mary Fran Stevens Family
UBS Financial Services, Inc. – Henry Jakobsze
Pete & Meg Burns Family
Anchor Mechanical – Jack Winters
Jim & Eileen Mitchell Family
Southwest Airlines – Laurie Hurley
Jamie and Sarah Lawler Family
AlphaGraphics – Mike Moran
Emerald Concrete – Supporting PJ O’Donnell
Official Bike Store
Beverly Bike & Ski – Paul Weise
Beverage Sponsors
Mullarkey Distributors
Anheuser-Busch – Pat O’Flaherty
Jason Martin & His Northside Crew
Food Sponsors
Buona Beef and Rainbow Cone
Sweet Freaks – Pat Murphy
Starting Line Sponsor
Anchor Mechanical – Jack Winters
SAG Stop 1 Sponsor
North Lake Auto
SAG Stop 2 Sponsors
The Maeve McNicholas Memorial Foundation
Meghan Curran – Katie Curran
SAG Stop 3 Sponsors
Amish Custom Kitchens – Steve & Maureen Bailey
Featherstone Family – Hogan Family
SAG Stop 4 Sponsors
Mike and Heather McCarthy Family – Sheila Hickey
SAG Stop 5 Sponsors
Jim & Eileen Mitchell Family
Patti & Joe McDonagh Family
Finish Line Sponsor
John Harrell State Farm Insurance
Post Ride Party Sponsors
Tim & Patty Enright Family
Dom & Mary Colletti Family
Pat McLaughlin
Jamie and Sarah Lawler Family
Joe & Colleen Geraghty Family
Penn Real Estate – Joe Esselman
Insite RE Inc. – Mike Howley & Ray Shinkle
Sarah Benner and Dan Clifford
Frank & Mary Catalano
Chad Syverson
Jon & Nancy Groch Family
Friends of the Pack
Bookstore Banterers – Friends of Edmund Featherstone
Mark & Jennie Kelly Family
Brendan & Jennifer Landers Family
Heidi & Sean Sullivan Family
Brendan & Terry Conroy Family
Bart Tyszkiewicz
Ina Mae Tavern & Packaged Goods – Conor McNamara
Paul Kish
Porta Potty Sponsor
McGrath Plumbing – Pat McGrath
Golf Beverage Cart Sponsor
Ashburn Power & Light – Bill Malone
Golf Lunch Sponsorship
Joe & Antonella Mueller Family
Golf Hole Sponsors
Rogers Roofing – John Rogers
RE/MAX – Laki Hadzales
Knickerbocker Roofing – Paul Cronin
Love You More – Grant Family
Winsupply – Rob Johnson
Preferred Auto – Kevin Jendra
Reilly’s Daughter – Dan O’Brien
Ian McGuire
Pat McLaughlin
Laura & Larry Hickey
Josh Cellars – Dan Keller
This big, plastic sign sponsored by the Flood Family
Private Vista, LLC – Mike and Kathleen McCabe
The Swanberg Family
Access Casters, Inc. – Jim Russell
Local 134 IBEW – Jack Lydon
Mike Lynch
Bill & Shannon McKeown Family
Mike McCarthy
Larry Hickey
Ted Taffe
Bill & Peggy Hogan
Everything’s Relative Too – Joan Rowan
You can find a rider and donate here: Bike Ride Main Fundraising Page
Final Ride Schedule and Details:
Below is everything you need to know for the 2021 Pat’s Pedaling Pack Ride on Friday, September 17, 2021. Please read carefully
Below is the link for the 2021 BIKE ROUTE. Click the link on your cell phone and it will open in Google maps.
We will have limited printed directions on Friday morning.
Friday, September 17th
STARTING LINE – St Barnabas School Parking Lot
10121 Longwood, Chicago IL 60643
5:15am-5:45am: Rider check-in and small bag drop-off
5:45am -6:15am: Ride presentation & rider group photo (must wear rider t-shirt)
6:15am: PPP 100K Ride Begins!
Thursday September 16th
T-shirts and wristband (for the after-ride party) can be picked up between 7am – 6pm
Tom McNamara’s House
10226 South Leavitt, Chicago Illinois 60643
Friday September 17th
T-shirts and wristbands will also be distributed Friday at St. Barnabas at check in.
We will transport ONE SMALL BAG with a change of clothes for each rider from St. Barnabas to the Notre Dame after-ride party. Please mark your bag with your name/cell phone number. Do not include any valuables in your bag. Pat Mac’s Pack is not responsible for any lost articles.
Thursday, September 16th
Notre Dame Parish, Michigan City, IN 46360
Enter the parking lot at 2410 Duneland Beach Drive, Michigan City IN 46360
You can pre-park your car Thursday night ONLY IN THE NORTH SIDE PARKING LOT. Cars are to be parked along the BASEBALL FIELD fence in the area designated for Pat’s Pedaling Pack riders.
Friday, September 17th
Notre Dame North Parking Lot
12pm – 6pm
NO CHARGE FOR RIDERS – $30 for all others
Enter the parking lot at 2410 Duneland Beach Drive, Michigan City IN 46360
Pat Mac’s Pack After-Party Raffle
Round trip tickets on Southwest Air and other great prizes!
$5 per ticket (5 for $20) Cash or Check Only
Michigan City Municipal Golf Course
Payment at the course – Cash or Check Only
Arrive 11:00am – 11:30am – Get there early! – Cash or Check Only
COVID19: The ride and post ride party are outside events. Currently, the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, and State of Indiana do not require any Covid-19 restrictions for outdoor events. Even so, we encourage all riders to respect the health and well-being of their fellow riders and maintain social distancing and masking where appropriate. Thank you.
Looking forward to the great weather and a great ride See you Friday!
Thank you!
The Pat’s Pedaling Pack Ride Committee